This page consists of articles I utilized throughout my research process and have included within other areas of my project.
Signs and Symptoms of Stress
Mind, March 2022 - Photo Linked to Site
Stress can often be overlooked due to its commonality of it, especially among college students. If you're feeling continuous, declining stress read over this list of signs and symptoms. DON'T self-diagnose, seek a professional.
Cleveland Clinic, May 2022 - Photo Linked to Site
Endorphins are hormones that are released when you feel stress or pain. Many different, enjoyable activities can help produce these hormones to feel less of the effects of what you're struggling with. Read the article to learn more about endorphins and what they do to our brains during difficult times.
Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health
Jim Robbins, Yale Environment 360, January 2020 - Photo Linked to Site
Utilizing nature can benefit not only your mental health but your physical health too. Read about Mathew White's experiment while also understanding how the use of nature benefits so many aspects of everyday life.
Forest Bathing: What Is It and Where To Do It
Sunny Fitzgerald, National Geographic, October 2019 - Photo Linked to Site
Forest Bathing is an unknown benefit for those needing to take a step away from reality. Learn more about its origin as well as how you can do it.
Forest Bathing Benefits
Forest Holidays - Photo Linked to Site
There are multiple benefits of Forest Bathing for your mental and physical health. Read through to understand those benefits and see what Forest Bathing does for you.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in College Students: More Than the Winter Blues
Jan Hall, Timely MD, December 14, 2020 - Photo Linked to Site
Understanding how SAD affects college students specifically will help many understand how to handle it and when they should get treatment.
How Does Seasonal Affective Disorder Affect College Students?
Allison Scott, Study.com - Photo Linked to Site
It's important to understand the signs of SAD as well as how it differs among different seasons. Knowing the signs and where you can go for help is important.
Adult Data 2022
Mental Health America - Photo Linked to Site
Many people in the United States don't get treatment for their mental health due to rising costs, not knowing where to look, and more. These data charts show all the different data collected from adults struggling with their mental health.